Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas #1
We had a great time Christmas #1. My brother and his family accompanied us  to the Gaylord Texan Resort in Fort Worth to see  Shrek Ice. It's this amazing display of all the Shrek characters carved completely out of ice! The kids loved it. It was freezing in there though. Definitely something to do once. I thought that we had dressed to warmly for this thing then they handed us this enormous blue parka. Thank heavens for the long, warm, blue glory because we almost froze our behinds right off! We started calling the Doodle bug our little Blueberry because she was so small in her huge blue parka.  
The other attraction that we got to have fun on was Kung Fu Panda Snow Tubing! Don't have any pics because I was so busy snow tubing with the kids. It was a great time and I was blessed that we were able to do it. Very long lines though. 
Later that night we went to my grandparents and had Christmas with my mom's side of the family. It's always a kick to be around them. You never know what you are going to get at Christmas with my gparents. We will unwrap a cereal box and in side will be a pair of jeans. You just never know. I got a raisin box that had a piece of coal inside! I thought I had been so good this year. I guess I haven't gone up there to see them enough. Note to self...go see Mema and Dandy more this year so I don't get a piece of coal for Christmas! 
I really did get a piece of coal but that was not all I got. More tomorrow or whenever I get a chance to continue;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What's up?

I do not know what is going on with me but for the past two days I have felt like crying. I don't mean just shedding a tear but just letting go and bawling my eyes out! And no ladies and gentlemen it is not the "that time" for me to get emotional. I don't know if it is the season that is overwhelming me or a little bit of grief from that follows me. It could be change or isolation. As I mentioned yesterday, you get a little isolated when you have younger kids. I am also not really a big people person. Yet, I am making myself get out there and be with other humans. Maybe I will just give myself over to this feeling. Getting it out might be the best thing to do. Who knows. Oh well...just had to put this out there. Hope you feel better than I do:)

Monday, December 5, 2011


There are very few things that stay the same in our lives. We get older, children grow up, time passes. And with that, people change and so the world around you changes. One thing that has stayed the same is God. He has proven Himself over and over to be there. Just "There". That is a big word when you feel alone and isolated either by motherhood or other struggles you might find yourself walking through. It's Christmas time right now. For most of us it is a wonderful, joyous time of year but for some it is the most alone time of year that a person can experience.
God is also merciful putting people in your lives that no matter how much time passes they are there. Thank You ,God, for the tangible reminder that You are alive in the hearts of others. That You are able to reach us through the warm hug of my sweet husband to the call from a friend. Be sure to look for that reminder that you are not alone. I hope you do not have to look hard. Blessings!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Well the days keep flying by! I cannot believe that I am coming to another end of a year! As I scurry about making costumes, planning birthdays and flying back and forth from school to get my beautiful children, I am becoming more and more aware of how trully blessed I am. I am so greatful for what I have, but even more so I am greatful for who I have. God has been so very gracious to me. If you knew my childhood, full of trauma and grief, you would understand how much I am greatful. I find myself outloud telling the Lord how wonderful he is. I tell Him how thankful I am that He saved me, delivered me and made me a whole person. He is trully the lover of my soul and my redeeming Father.

The wierd thing is that I haven't given Thanksgiving Day a lot of thought. We have been so busy. I , however, have been full of thanks. I look at my precious husband who loves me for the imperfect person that I am and my sweet children that are good, kind and innocent. What a gift! Hope you find yourself in this place. If not, I pray that the Lord would walk you though what you are going through and bring you to His peace. Thank You Father!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stop the Insanityb

o.k. so I have not been in my right mind as of late. Today should be no exception. On top of depositing money into the bank when I only meant to cash it then,when putting the tube that shoots up into the drive through of the bank, (What's that thingy called anyway? ) I dropped it on the ground and it rolled under my car. I lost it so badly that I had to get out of my car and almost crawl under my car to get it. After what felt like an eternity to find the cursed device, I left the bank blushing and with the tellers all laughing at me. I know it is hard to picture but trust me, it was comical to see but only from the outside. So if for some reason you think that I have it all together ...I don't. i am reminded of how together I don't have it daily. Oh well, Jesus said that the meek will inherit the earth. I felt entirely too meek today. Have a funny day!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

long time

It has been an excedingly long time since I have posted. There are many reasons. 1. The kids started school. 2. My friend signed me up for Pinterest ( a horribly addicting sight that requires very little effort for a very visually gratifying time). and 3. I have been sick and have not been pursuing anything that I love because I do not feel well and am completely uninspired by this feeling. I suppose that that is a horrible excuse since there are many people out there who feel badly but continue on soldiering through all of their trials and recording them down for all the world to see. I think that is very brave. It is vulnurable. I do not like to be vulnerable. Both my sweet husband and I have been feeling badly for the past few months and cannot seem to get over whatever this is. Stinks but , oh well,. I still have to be a mommy and I still have to clean my house and I still have to be the wife above all, billpayer, boo boo kisser, homework helper, chaufer, personal secretary...etc. All things that I do love just don't have energy for anything else. I am not being whiny, just explaining my lack of interest in virtually everything that does not directly relate to my families survival.
It has been through this cursed virus or whatever it is that I have learned that it is not by my strength that anything gets done around here. It is Christ in me. That Scripture, I can do all things through Christ, Who gives me strength. It is sooooooooo true. Just a post to tell you it does not have to be all you. Trust me, it is not all me! Lay all of your cares upon His shoulders He really does carry them for you. Personal experience. Have a good week:)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last Post

She is cute but don't let that fool you.

As you can see from my last post we are struggling with the sincerity of others. I am working on it though and feel that I will soon get "victory" ,as my BFF says, over the situation. As for now, my kids have started their first week of school. My son loves his teacher and PE. That is a start considering that he was saying he was only 10% excited about going back to school. My daughter loves her teacher, loves to learn and generally loves the whole school process. She does not like waking up in the morning but is doing ok right now. Even though I can see it becoming an issue later. Any thought how to keep it from becoming an issue would be welcome... The Doodle Bug has been punishing me, her brother and her sister since we dropped them off the first day of school. She has been absolutely naughty for 2 days now. After a large fit over wether or not she felt good enough to take a backpack full of climbing rope (random) ,that she brought with her into my car , back into our house resulted in her dragging it on her hand and knees onto the front porch crying at the top of her lungs in front of our entire neighborhood, I figured out that I had sent both of her servants to school. I know, biggest run on sentence ever! I won that battle and will continue to prevail until she figures out that she can, indeed , do tasks for herself.
I write about this because it is not like her to be so obstinate. She is bossy, unfortunately like me, but not normally obstinate. I find myself apologizing to my husband all the time now as she starts to behave more and more like me. Sorry again, honey. God does know what He is doing and gave her to me for a reason. Until my next log, this is Jodi , 1st officer of the Starship Whitehouse signing off.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

For Cryin Out Loud

Just go to someone if you have a problem with them. Don't go and tell the whole table what you don't like about them when the person is not there! Grow up!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


We are going through a severe drought in Texas. The grass is leaving behind dirt and the dirt is blowing away and leaving rock. I have been praying for it to rain for months now and the drought is still not breaking. I have also watched a lot of my flowers just wither and die. You have no idea how much that saddens me. I love my flowers and I love to garden. I confess that there have been times in the past couple of months that i have wanted to pack up and leave the Big T and go for some greener pastures. We can't do that but it would be nice to weather out this drought in a green place. Haha! But, sometimes, breaking the heat with there white and grey calm are the clouds that gather and float around in our atmosphere. It's funny, most of time in summer, you don't wish for clouds. I wish for clouds all the time. Today has started out a beautiful, cloudy day. It is so much cooler when they are here. It helps break the monotony of the heat that seem to never let go it's grip on out state.
It's true in life to. How can you ever enjoy the sun unless you have a cloudy day once in a while. I miss the clouds.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh Well

Well this last week was a hoot! Just fantastic! Have you ever had one of those weeks that God makes you grow how much you would have in a whole year but He makes you do that in a week? Had one of those last week. And , newsflash, it has not stopped into this week. I will give the whole story later but just know you can overcome. You can choose to follow Christ even when it feels like you are carrying a large man on your back. It may sound strange but you can. It was not the best week but it was definitely not the worst week and I trully did learn a lot. So, thi post is just to tell you to hang in there. Blessings!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Here are some pics of our Alaska trip. It was so much fun and would definitely do it again. We are messed up with the three hour difference but had so much fun who cares!We stayed up late every night just trying to soak in a much of the scenery and cool weather as we could. We saw moose and bunnies (yes bunnies) everywhere! We took in sea lions, eagles, humpback whales, puffins and all sorts of fish. The kids did not have any need for television, they were outside if they were not sleeping. My man got to rest a little and I enjoyed watching all of them have fun. I will be bloging later on what you need to know if you are going to travle through AK in an RV or "Motorhouse" as the Doodlebug called it. But for now just enjoy the pics. We are definitely going back there !

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm Leavin' On a Jetplane

So I am feeling a little bit better. I have been performing in my yearly stint of Vacation Bible School for bestest friends church and enjoying every day of it. It has been the perfect thing to lift my spirits and get my mind off of me. I am totally exhausted but I am still having a blast! I get to see these adorable little faces everyday. I get to use my gifts such as singing. It's been fun! My little one however was actually propped up in her chair today, thumb in mouth and sound asleep! I think she might be a little tired. She has had so much fun though.
And Saturday we are leaving for a ten day trip to Alaska!!!! We are going with my husbands parents and sister. It is going to be so fun! We will be renting an RV and driving through the Alaskan wilderness. Can't wait!
And the biggest news...IT RAINED!!!!!!! Thank You Lord!!!!!! We had an absolutely beautiful thunderstorm night before last and that smell of rain was like a perfume! I went outside on my front porch and just started to cry and thank the Lord for the rain. My flowers thank Him too! If I don't write before I leave I will post pics when I get back.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I am just having a hard day today. I woke up and felt like bursting into tears. My husband has been gone almost the whole time since summer got started (mostly because of work). I miss him. He is my partner and it has been hard. I also really like him. He makes me laugh and is my best friend.
I also feel disconnected from people right now. I just feel like I am fluttering through the world. Don't know if you have ever felt that way. My friend called me the other day and just wanted to check on me. She said I wasn't myself lately. Right now, I don't know what myself is. I feel drained and tired. I am getting my feelings hurt easily, well maybe not, but you know when people say things and they come out one way and you know they are meant in another. That's fun.
The other thing has not rained! I miss the rain so much. Sometimes I feel like what is happening in the natural is a picture of what is going on in the spiritual. Probably not spot on in my theology there but if I went on feelings... I feel just like the ground outside.
I was reading in the devotions that I do with my husband about the signs that you see on the side of the road. Some signs are bright and mean to get you attention. Like neon . Some are more subdued , you still see them but not as noticeable. In Matthew5:16 it says, "Let you light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." My friends phone call rang in my head as I read this devotion. What kind of light am I being? Am I bright and shining for God? What message is this drained, unhappy face sending out to those around me? It made me ponder my countenance. At least now I am aware of it. I am working on doing something about it now. Hope to meet you with a smile the next time you visit my blog.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


ok people. by the way, this excludes the person who commented last night. You know who you are. Just a gentle nudge to tell you that I like feedback. Comments are a welcome spot in my day. I like to hear what all of you have to say. Soooooo...please leave a comment, even if it is "I was here" ! I enjoy reading your reaction to what I write. Thanks a heap and have a wonderful day or night wherever in the world you might be. :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ahhh Man!!!

I have been missing my friends lately. We rarely get to see each other because of families, school , jobs etc. All things that we did not have ten years ago when we started out. It was just us couples and if we stayed up a little to late, oh well, we could just rest up after we got home from work. So, I was so excited about getting to do a friend night this Friday. We were going to meet up and go swimming at night. What a summer fun thing to do! But, alas, my brain sabotaged me and told me that I said something out loud when I did not say it at all. I messed up our whole evening and we did not get to go. Friends let down, us let down. Seriously, I am sitting here sick to my stomach. I almost cried. For reals. Anyone out there ever mess up? If you have let me know because right now feeling kinda down. I know it seems small but we rarely do get to do anything together. Sorry friends. We love y'all.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Alternate Dimension

I know, I know it has been forever since I blogged. I have been engulfed in the monumental task of getting my children through the last few weeks of school. Not to mention being the music teacher and having various asundry programs to produce...etc...etc...etc. I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth and entered some alternate dimention where all that exists is the school, my husband, my children and me. Do I get to see my friends? Nope. Do I converse with any alien lifeforms (that would be other human beings in this instant) nope. I probably would not even know what to say if an alien ( adult) were to approach me. Who knows? It might be too much for me to handle. I might cringe in fear or stumble over my words. Oh wait I am doing that right now and there aren't any aliens (humans) in the room. All I know is that in less than one week I get my children back and lose the schedule! Which is just fine with me. To those of you who have ben transported to this alternate universe... I solute you. It is a crazy world that we must navigate but we can do it! And...hopefully...we will find ourselves sitting by the pool in less than one week. Live long and prosper humanoids!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Do you ever feel like you have those weeks where you just feel alone? This has been one of those weeks. My husband is tired and trying desperately to finish up the school year , my friends are all busy and so is my family for that matter. I am busy too, which just adds to the feeling of isolation. It is in these times of isolation that God kind of wakes me up. He says to me, " I have been here all along." I think it is His plan sometimes to let us feel this way so that we remember Who is always going to be there... even when the people we count on most cannot be there. Yesterday, I was so busy running around panicking about all of the things that absolutely must get done, when I started praying for rain. It was in that moment that I realized that I did not just need the rain to water my garden but I needed the Rainmaker to water my spirit.
If you are feeling alone, please remember to acknowledge the One who is always there. It says in Deuteronomy 31:8" He will never leave you nor forsake you." Take this " alone time" to reconnect with Jesus. You are never alone.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I was looking at all of my pics to find one to post for Easter. Then I thought...hmmmmm...what if I just take the last picture that I took and put it on my blog and apply that to Easter somehow. Well...I got this pic of the Doodlebug leaping into the air. It was her first time to wear her "kiwiwi" as she calls he bikini. I told her jump as high as you can! She leaped into the air without even thinking about it. I know that it is now post Easter time but I still felt the need to say what I was going to say before my post got interrupted with a various sundry of things that we got to do over the holiday. When Joy's picture jumped onto the screen and I was trying to figure out how to apply that to Easter the word" Salvation " leaped to mind. When a person decides to believe in that which he does not see, they are jumping into the unknown. Salvation is what happens when when we decide that Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life. We leap into faith instead of that which can reasoned into being. We trust that God will catch us and somewhere deep inside know that this is what we have been waiting for our whole lives. Salvation...real life...eternity. I just want to encourage you that He is patiently waiting on you to jump into a personal relationship with Him. If you have been putting it off go ahead jump He is waiting to catch you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Smells Like Honey

When I am in my garden all of the problems of the world lift like a cloud off of my shoulders and I start to do something that I do not normally do. I breath in and out and in and out. I actually become conscious of my breathing. Something I normally do not have any recollection of during the busyness of the day.
In those times I smell the flowers and the dirt. I get my hands dirty and feel great satifaction in pulling out the smallest of weeds. I water the garden. I take joy in the seedlings just sprouting from the earth. I always think of God when I am in my garden. I feel loved that he has given me ground to tend. I am thankful. I prayed so long for a place to cultivate and now I have many years of cultivating ahead of me.
This leads me to the other night. My son and I had to run out and get something from my car. The night air was breezy and cool. I could see the purple larkspur just peaking over my porch. Then my son turned to me and said, "Hey mom, it smells like honey!" I took a deep breath in and the air was absolutely soaked with the smell of honey. It was so sweet that I wanted to sleep out on my porch and just take it in all night long.
After we went back inside to the smells of baked chicken and my scented candle, that could not "hold a candle " to the beautiful fragrance that I had just drawn in, I felt as though I had had a little glimpse of the fragrance of God.
Only He could create a smell that wonderful. It had to be what music would smell like if music had a smell. I just could not shake the feeling that He loves me. It felt like He was so close in that moment. All of my life one of my strongest dreams is to sit in the lap of my Heavenly Father and put my head on His chest. I just want to take Him in just like I did that beautiful aroma last night. Take a moment this day ,whether you have a garden or not, to breath in the aroma of your Heavenly Father. He is there with his arms open probably smelling of honey.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mountain Pinks

This is a beautiful flower that is native to our area. It is called the "Mountain Pink". Pinks can live in very harsh and very dry conditions. They can survive drought, rocky soil and scorching heat. Even in these harsh conditions they thrive. Even in these harsh conditions they are beautiful.
I have decided that I will be like a Mountain Pink. Lately, we have been going through a time of difficulty. What we thought was going to be our future does not look like it will be. We have been sad and discouraged and feel like we are walking around in the dark. In some instances we have felt betrayed and brushed aside. It seems like we are thriving anyway. We still love the Lord, we will always serve Him and know that He is in control. We will forgive and grow from this. We will get up and dust ourselves off and move on. We will continue doing what God puts in front of us to do. We will live through these harsh conditions and grow anyway. May God help you to be like the Mountain Pink in your time of trouble. May you bloom and be beautiful in the hardest of times. photograph: Handprints on the Window

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Tonight I was talking with a friend about how it is so nice to receive encouraging words from those that we look up to in the faith. You know, when you are just walking along and minding your own business and someone pats you on the back and says, " hey, you are just a great person! I know you will do great things someday!" You walk away feeling lighter. You walk away taller.
For so many of us this edification does not come natural. I know for me that I have to make myself say thank you to people sometimes because I am in my own head a lot. We have so much going on around us that we do not stop to tell those around us how great we think they are.
I also know that we all desire to be affirmed. Whether it is affirmation for our work or how we sang a song. That we have grown up and become the person that so and so always thought we'd be or that it is amazing that you are the way you are because everything around you should have made you dive off a cliff. Yet, you haven't. You are a miracle!
We seem to use kind and affirming words sparingly in this society. Maybe we are jealous of the person that we feel needs the affirming word. We don't feel like they deserve and affirming word because they have sat on their butt for an entire year and have done nothing with their life. Or the opposite, so and so probably does not need to hear how great she is, she probably hears it all the time. Maybe she does. Maybe she doesn't.
I am making a challenge to myself. I am challenging me to not hold back on encouragement. I think God needs more cheerleaders out there for his kids. I am going to try to listen more closely to what He is saying about Susy 123 who has been working 24-7 who is going through a horrible divorce but doesn't want anyone to know. Or about Chad, who doesn't have a mom and just desperately needs to hear how his would have been so proud of the person he has become.
Did you know that affirmation is Biblical? My friend that I was talking to earlier sent me a Scripture text. It says, " Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
I have a warning though. This does not mean to tickle someones ear with flattery. Flattery is lying and it is flat out wrong. This Scripture is a great filter for how we must affirm. Philippians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoeverthings are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
I will update you on the affirmation project soon. I hope all of you know how much God loves you and so enjoys you. There, my first affirmation! Blessing!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Restoration: the action of returning something to a former condition
I have been thinking a lot about this word lately. I have been praying for certain things to be restored. Relationships, states of mind and even my house. Haha! It will take a while for my house. Not kidding.
I have been petitioning God about restoring . He has been very faithful in the past to restore certain things to me. I had to get on my knees an awful lot to get there but He was faithful to do so. In fact, he made what was restored better than it had been before. That is what He does. He will allow some things to be torn down in your life only to build them back up the way He wants them. He does not promise that it will not hurt because crushing and breaking does hurt. He does promise to hold you through all of it though. He is also a Master Restorer. He sands off all the old varnish and dirt, takes out all the old fixtures that are broken, scrapes away the peeling paint and puts a new finish on all of it. In the end it looks better than how it started. So I hope if you are praying for restoration that God does all that and more for you. I think it is best not to fight all the change but ask God what He is saying in the change. If you have been praying for God to restore, hang in there... He has a plan. He will work it out and He will restore. It is up to us to listen through the process.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Raising A Lion

How do I raise a man in this day and age? When men are constantly demeaned and made to look like they have nothing good to offer to a family other than comic relief? He is past my chin now. In church my chin would rest on his head as we worshiped, now my head tilts back. I will do this thing until I cannot do it any longer. I will rest my head on his and hold him close when his friends are not watching. He still lets me kiss his cheek and hug him in front of them though. He is strong enough to not care what they think. I hope we can always give him that. Strength. I was thinking the other day how do we teach him to be the spiritual leader of a home someday? I know he watches his dad and his dad is a great example for spiritual leadership but where do I, as his mom, fit into that? I have begun to give him a Scripture every day that he has to look up in the Bible by himself. I help, a little. He is then required to read that Scripture to his sisters at the breakfast table. This was the first week. Everyday I gave him Ephesians 6:10-19. Everyday he lead them in putting on the full armor of God. Everyday he lead. He was not made into the funny, dumb sidekick of his "much smarter sisters" he was made the leader. He was given dignity. I realized as he and his dad went out to shoot the crossbow together that I am raising a lion in a world where men have been made to be lambs. Don't get me wrong, I want him to be a kind and sensitive husband someday. I want him to be gentle toward his children and be able to hug them and tell them how much he loves them but I also want him not to be the doormat that I see often portrayed in the entertainment industry. That is not and never will be OK. It does not mean that we as women should not be strong and have an opinion but I want him to rise up someday and hold steadfastly to the leadership in his home. I want him to be confident as he claims responsibility for his family. I am raising my son to be a MAN.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Love is getting up every morning and making breakfast . Love is running errands and taking the kids from you when you absolutely cannot handle another moment with someone else in your bubble. Love is when, on the verge of exhaustion, you go and work a little longer for your family because you absolutely need the money to pay that extra bill. Love is not choosing yourself when there is a choice. Love is writing a love note on the mirror in the middle of morning rush, telling the one you love that they are amazing ( with a bar of soap). Love is hearing about how everyone else does it so much better than you both do and texting sweet messages instead of bashing you over the head with that knowledge. Love is strong when you are weak. Love snuggles on Saturday mornings when there are so many other things that you should be doing. Love is being satisfied with a bad movie and the time with the one you love. Truly. Love says things at the right time even when it seems like the wrong time because you love the person so much that you do not want to see them go another minute in their discomfort. Love is keeping your mouth shut for the same reason. Love lets you go run when you should be washing dishes. Love does not comment on the condition of your dirty house when it comes through the door. Instead it gives you a smile and a hug and asks how your day was. Love tries when you tell it you are not happy. Love pushes itself to the brink. Love makes a date in the middle of chaos and takes you away from it for a few hours. Again, does not matter if it was a cruddy movie. It is the time. Love holds your hand in the car on the way to church. Love prays for and with you every day. Love races to be at your side when you have a medical scare and absolutely cannot face it alone. Love holds you through the pain of childhood remembrances. Love laughs with you at the silliness of your children. Love argues with you and then chooses to love in the face of imperfection. Love changes diapers. Does dishes. Cooks. Love says "thank you" instead of why couldn't you do more? Love hopes for better but will be with you through the "worse". Love says you look beautiful even when you have a little belly after the third one that never seems to go away. Love says the right thing at the very best time. Love bears all things believes all things hopes all things endures all things. Love never fails.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SO Powerful!

This was just so powerful I had to share it with you! It made me cry. I only wish that I could get a loop of the whole thing and leave it on in my house all the time. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The sink

Yesterday I was doing my dishes. A thing which I seem to do an awful lot. Hmmmm. I was almost done putting them in my dishwasher when I got this feeling of joy that washed over me. Seeing the bottom of my nineteen fifty's white ceramic sink gave was an inspiration! I was about to go to bed and the thought came to me that I like to wake up to a dish less sink. A clean scrubbed sink with nothing in it. I don't think we realize it but that is what we have every day when we walk with God. Everyday is like a clean dish less sink. It can be whatever we want it to be. Most of the time I feel like I have figurative dishes in my sink before I get out of bed but it is my choice how I choose to react to the day. Hang in there. Every day you get to start fresh. Everyday is new "with no mistakes in it." To quote Miss Stacey from Anne of Green Gables. Everyday is like a gleaming white sink with no dishes in it. May your faucets shine and sparkle and may your dishes be few.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Reality Hurts

Miss Sunshine


Ok. Here are my two older children. Today they came home and told me that they had both forgotten their homework folder. Ouch! Their father and I had told them a couple of weeks ago that there would be major consequences if they forgot them again. My boy also forgot his on a day where he had a test review. Double ouch! So the parental units sit down, after sending the children to their rooms to contemplate their doom, to talk about what kind of punishments to dole out. It took us forever with Miss Sunshine. Rarely does she have a bad day. If we sit her in the corner she will usually end up playing a game with her fingers. We thought about taking her books because she absolutely loves to read but , again, has the imagination to make up any story she wants to I told Husband that whatever we did it had to hurt. The one thing that she loves is food. So for forgetting to bring her homework folder home for the millionth time, she went to bed with no dinner. It hurt me horribly to send her to bed with no dinner and what hurt even worse was that she was so sweet about it. She took it like Miss Sunshine would take things. hopefully she will remember this one. I know it sounds awful but if there is never a consequence what will she do someday if she just keeps forgetting to pay her bills? Oh, she also had to go early to school with Daddy to do homework. She has to be responsible for what is required of her.
Older one got an even steeper punishment. He forgets his folder all the time. First, he still had to do an hour and a half review with Dad. Then he got grounded off of TV and Xbox for a week and also lost the privilege of playing the XBOX during the week. Now until summer, he is only allowed to play video games on the weekend. I was a sad night for all of us but hopefully being consistent will help them become the responsible adults that God created them to be. I just wish they knew that it hurt me more than it hurts them. I cried. It says in the Word that we train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it. It never says that the training will be easy. It is easier to just overlook things, do things for them and enable. But, I have seen the results of that kind of upbringing in some adults that I know and I do not want that for my kids. I felt like a bad mom last night but this morning my little boy came over to me and wrapped his arms around me and told me he loved me. My daughter laid her head on my lap and told me how much she loved me. I think they got the message.Hang in there mom's and dad's! Be strong! You are raising up mighty men and women of God!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Did You Know?

Did you know that if you have a family of five and you wait an entire week to do laundry that you have an actual mountain on the inside of your house? Something to think about...Notice in the picture above that both of my daughters are wearing dress clothes. Note: we did not go anywhere that night that was all of the clean clothing that they had. We stayed home and watched a movie. Also notice that my seven year old Blondie is wearing an outfit that is at least two sizes too small for her. This is what happens when you are sick the entire Christmas vacation. All you do is lay around and watch every movie that you have not gone to see in theatres. Your house goes to pot. Maybe God allowed us to become ill so that we would actually rest. We definitely did. These are all of the amazing illnesses of 2010, all contracted within a two week period: The stomach Flu, Somewierdfevercoughthingythatneverseemstoleaveus ( I do think that that is the actual scientific name of this illness), Walking Pneumonia, and Strep! It was super fun!
Hey, the way I look at it. We got them all out of the way so that we do not have to get anything else. My house has been Cloroxed and, thankfully, every single person in the house is now well. We had a lot of together time though. I did very much enjoy being with my family and having my SH (Sweet Husband) home almost the whole time. Perk of having a teacher for a husband. Anyhoo, God is still good and we are sooooooo excite about 2011!
Now back to Mount Laundry!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!!!

Wow! It's another year with no mistakes in it. All clean and sweet. I love it! Just get to start all over and do things differently. I love it. God is so good! We have that life in Him. When He is in us, we get to start fresh everyday or every moment. Depends on the kind of day we are having. In Ephesians 2:4 it says,"But God, who is abundant in mercy, because of the great love that He had for us, made us alive with the Messiah even though we were dead in trespasses. "I don't know about you but I tend to "trespass" a lot. Not necessarily trying to "trespass" but I do lose my temper. I might have a bad thought here and there and , well, I don't need to go and put a list of my current "trespasses" here on my blog. Just know that I am a lover of the mercy of God because I know it so well. In this New Year enjoy the Lover of your soul because while we were dead in our trespasses He laid it all down for us so that we could live. I mean glory-filled, streets of gold, everlasting life kind of live! Woooooooohooooooo! I love You Jesus!
The picture above is of the school Christmas play that had me frazzled out because I felt we did not have enough time to get it all done. Those kids worked so hard and really did a great job. Got to love all those kiddos!