Friday, October 31, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You Elvis Presley

Hello everyone, as you can see, some things have changed in my life. Apparently Elvis is channeling through my husband. I do not think that I have laughed this hard in a long time. We had a costume party at Cari and Carl's and Cari graciously let us borrow this Elvis costume from the church costume room. Let me clarify. This is not the handsom young Elvis that all of us have seen sway his hips on the Ed Sullivan show. This was 1970's Elvis who had done a little too much of everything, including the Bedazzler. I had no idea when I brought the costume home that my husband would embrace it as much as he did.

On the way to the Pheister's we had to stop at a store and when David got out of the car, I heard at least three people scream ,"It's Elvis!" and then cackle at the top of their lungs. Well, instead of David getting embarrassed and shrinking back into the vehicle, he started strutting all the way into the store. Then he proceeded to talk like Elvis to all the cashiers. After we went to the store we then stopped to pick up pizza at Little Cesar's. As he walked in some people sitting at a table right by the doorway declared,"It's Elvis!" . David then threw one of his hips in their direction and then pointed at them and said , " UH Huh!" . Thank you Cari for the use of the costume and as much fun as I had being Elvis's wife for the night or as he affectionately referred to me for most of it,"Scilla" , with the Elvis drawl ,I might add, I don't think I can stand the pressure of having such a high profile celebrity for a husband. Thank you verry mush!

Sam was a ninja, Lili was Sharpay from High school Musical and Abigail was a black-eyed pea. I was going to be Priscilla but the costume malfunctioned at the last minute so I got to be one of the Pink Ladies from Grease. We had a blast at the party and hope everyone else did too.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Picture of the Day: Behind That Smile

How do I describe one of the most wonderfully woven, complicated people that God has placed in my life. I think that Sam loves at a depth that most of us never will. I will ask him if he loves me and he will say,"Mom, I love you alot." Then I will ask him if he loves his teacher and he will say,"I like her a little." If he loves you, he will always and forever love you and he will stare down a lion for you. Love means love to him. So many times I say, I love a color or a food etc. He loves when he says he loves. He is a different child. At times I think he has a hard time showing emotion but then he will blow me away with tenderness that I have only seen in his father. He was watching a show about babies on T.V. one day and he had his head turned away from me. He sat there quietly admiring all these beautiful children, mostly babies. All of the sudden he turned to me with tears streaming from his eyes and said," I just love babies so much Mom." I started to cry at that and we ended up just hugging and crying. I do not know what God is going to do with Samuel in life but it is undeniable that he has a special annointing for children, especially babies. I have to say that he makes me smile and my heart aches when I talk about him because the depth of my love for him. He is my sweet, very deep little boy. This picture was taken as he was exiting from the fort that he and his daddy built in the woods. I also could not help but add this picture of him holding his little cousin Landon. I think he could hold babies all day long.

Picture of the Day: My Sunshine

Oh Lili, you just make me smile. She has been home all week because of a Fall Break from school. Already a cloud has lifted from my heart. She has the gift of optomism that so few have. At 5 years old, she knows what is trully important. Alot of times she will, out of the blue say to me or whoever is there to hear it (whoever God wants to hear it),"God is all that matters", or "Jesus died for us and He is all that matters". I think as adults we , in the rushing, scheduling, striving, forget the basics. He loves us and He is the only person that matters. God gave me the gift of having my joyous, ministering spirit home with me this week. Thank you, Lord.
Picture of the Day: My Sunshine

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pic of the Day: Brooke's Beach

This is my beautiful little niece Brooke. She has a host of different personality traits. She is shy but once you get to know her she is a total hoot. She's maternal and loving but rough and tough. She loves to sing and is always singing songs from High School Musical her favorite movie. We love our Brooke she is a joy to know and can't wait to see the person she becomes.

Picture of the Day: Carl and Pat's Baptism

I love this picture. Carl and Cari are such a big part of our lives. They are a big part of why we are the way we are. I know Pat is gonna kill me for puting this pic in because her hair is wet but I do not think that she could be more beautiful than she is in this pic. We were so blessed to be a part of this moment and we are so thankful for the precious and faithful friends that God has placed in our lives. We love ya'll.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pic of the Day: Easter Lili

Picture of the Day

I am going to start posting the picture of the Picture of the Day. Photography is such a part of who I am that I have literally thousands of pictures that no one has ever seen. I find that even when i do not have camera in my hands that I am still taking pictures in my mind. I let Lili, who is out of school for a Fall break ,pick this picture. This was at the great Easter Egg Hunt of 2006 at Carl and Cari's house. I cannot believe haow much she has changed.

Monday, October 27, 2008

King Louie and the Wildcats

Wildcats in the house!!!! We went and saw High School Musical 3 today or I should say that Sam and Lili saw it. I was walking the halls with my 11 month old. Yes, I am in that phase of child rearing again. I have to say that as much as I wanted to see HSM3 (yes Pam I really do like it), I rather liked watching Abigail discover the long halls of the theatre. She is so fun to watch right now. All David and i can think of is that song off of Jungle Book, Ooby Doo I Want to Be Like You Hoo Hoo, when she walks. She looks just like King Louie. Wait, let me rephrase that, she walks just like King Louie and looks like the most beautifulest of babies. I don't think "beautifulest" is a word but hey, I don't have a vocabulary right now. All I do all day is talk to an 11 month old. I am fluent in Babyese though. I think Abigail and I have solved all of the worlds problems.
For my friends that have read the works of Jane Austen, if you have not you should, this is a fun quiz. While not the most accurate, it's mindless fun.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Lili the Artist

O.K. This pic is priceless. On Friday it was Grown Up Day at school. I asked her what she wanted to be and she said a Sea World Swimmer or an artist, While I am way into encouraging my children's aspirations, I also knew that 8 hours in a wet suit could get pretty uncomfortable. I mean think about the chaffing...We decided she would be an artist. Let's just say she owned it.

I was so proud of David and me. We could not find a beret anywhere so I decided to make one. We has so much fun doing the whole look.

She was asked several questions by her teacher here are the answeres.

College: Africa

Age when you grow up: 15

How many children are you going to have: 100,000

15 girls and 1,000 boys

When you have a day off what do you do: Stay in hotels

How much did you sell your first painting for: $100,000.00

A child can dream but ,you know, I could acctualy see this being her profession. She is always drawing and writing. All of her is learning all the time. Whatever she does, she will be the artist in her field. Who knows, she could be the most creative mother of all time. I cannot think of a more honorable profession. Go far Lili. By the way, I have no idea how I got into the blue and underlining. Still learning about this new world.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My First Blog, Sam's First Deer

Well, here goes, my leap of faith into the blogworld. I never thought I would do this and no I do not like to write (poetry is another thing). I thought it might be good therapy and it also might get my brain working again. After all, three babie take it out of you... literally.

Here goes:

My son shot his first deer today. He was beaming with all the joy that he had in his heart. It's amazing how shooting an arrow into an animal can bring out the best in a boy. If you could have seen the look on his face every time he looked at his dad.... oh, the love. what a puppy of a boy. I have to say that I am so proud of him. He shot it with a bow . In the right place. Wow! 8 years old and as far as he is concerned a real man. Well it's late and I have to get my men in bed. By the way, his first deer was a 4 point buck . Not bad.