Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Last Post

She is cute but don't let that fool you.

As you can see from my last post we are struggling with the sincerity of others. I am working on it though and feel that I will soon get "victory" ,as my BFF says, over the situation. As for now, my kids have started their first week of school. My son loves his teacher and PE. That is a start considering that he was saying he was only 10% excited about going back to school. My daughter loves her teacher, loves to learn and generally loves the whole school process. She does not like waking up in the morning but is doing ok right now. Even though I can see it becoming an issue later. Any thought how to keep it from becoming an issue would be welcome... The Doodle Bug has been punishing me, her brother and her sister since we dropped them off the first day of school. She has been absolutely naughty for 2 days now. After a large fit over wether or not she felt good enough to take a backpack full of climbing rope (random) ,that she brought with her into my car , back into our house resulted in her dragging it on her hand and knees onto the front porch crying at the top of her lungs in front of our entire neighborhood, I figured out that I had sent both of her servants to school. I know, biggest run on sentence ever! I won that battle and will continue to prevail until she figures out that she can, indeed , do tasks for herself.
I write about this because it is not like her to be so obstinate. She is bossy, unfortunately like me, but not normally obstinate. I find myself apologizing to my husband all the time now as she starts to behave more and more like me. Sorry again, honey. God does know what He is doing and gave her to me for a reason. Until my next log, this is Jodi , 1st officer of the Starship Whitehouse signing off.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

For Cryin Out Loud

Just go to someone if you have a problem with them. Don't go and tell the whole table what you don't like about them when the person is not there! Grow up!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


We are going through a severe drought in Texas. The grass is leaving behind dirt and the dirt is blowing away and leaving rock. I have been praying for it to rain for months now and the drought is still not breaking. I have also watched a lot of my flowers just wither and die. You have no idea how much that saddens me. I love my flowers and I love to garden. I confess that there have been times in the past couple of months that i have wanted to pack up and leave the Big T and go for some greener pastures. We can't do that but it would be nice to weather out this drought in a green place. Haha! But, sometimes, breaking the heat with there white and grey calm are the clouds that gather and float around in our atmosphere. It's funny, most of time in summer, you don't wish for clouds. I wish for clouds all the time. Today has started out a beautiful, cloudy day. It is so much cooler when they are here. It helps break the monotony of the heat that seem to never let go it's grip on out state.
It's true in life to. How can you ever enjoy the sun unless you have a cloudy day once in a while. I miss the clouds.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh Well

Well this last week was a hoot! Just fantastic! Have you ever had one of those weeks that God makes you grow how much you would have in a whole year but He makes you do that in a week? Had one of those last week. And , newsflash, it has not stopped into this week. I will give the whole story later but just know you can overcome. You can choose to follow Christ even when it feels like you are carrying a large man on your back. It may sound strange but you can. It was not the best week but it was definitely not the worst week and I trully did learn a lot. So, thi post is just to tell you to hang in there. Blessings!