Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Beach Pics

At the time Cari wrote that she thought you could have too much vacation, I thought she was crazy. Sorry, my friend, but I did. However, I have changed my position on this. Coming back from the coast I actually thought that if I had to go to the Hyatt after our trip I might cry. Now eventually I would get over myself and make myself enjoy the Hyatt and all of it's wonderful massages, I mean amenities, but holy cow! We had a blast and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves but we're so happy to be home. We boogie boarded which I think we all got addicted to, we built sandcastles and David , Sam and Aunt Sarah actually saw a shark swim underneath them. A black tip reef shark. They have never swam so fast.
We ate entirely to much and fought sand as if it were on the dark side of the Force but the sand won. I guess it is all part of the experience. It was Abigail's first time to see the ocean. It was so cold the first day I was afraid that we ruined her impression of it but, when it warmed up, she would jump up and down and say ,"OCEAN"! She loved it! I loved it too. Oh, by the way, we played the game of LIFE. I had totally forgotten about that game but Sam loved it and so did Lil's. Anyway thank you Lord for the trip and thank you Lord for home.


  1. Marcus saw the beach for the first time in March. I wish we lived closer. There is a peace there.

  2. Told ya so. I can't believe that you would question me - sheesh!

