Thursday, February 26, 2009


Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember. Don't send a message, leave a comment on here. Next, re-post this in your notes and see how many people leave a memory about you.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Things Said in the Last 24 Hours

1. Sam: Mom, can I have ice cream in a comb?
2. Conversation that we had at the dinner table.
Mom: I wonder what Darth Vader does in his spare time?
Sam: Maybe he had a cooking class. 
Dad: You know, he would throw the carrots up in the air and cut them with his light saber. They would be cut up and cooked at the same time. 
Mom: Hey I wonder if the Darth Sidious and Darth Vader ever just chilled and went out for  drink?
Dad: They don't strike me as the just sit back and relax kind. 
3.Lili: Mommy, I just threw up in the toilet!
4. Lili: COuld you make me some Rabioli because that's easy on my tummy?
5:Lili: I wish we has a robotic room where you could push a button and the walls would open just like this. (arms opening up)


Lili: I think it is so funny that when I was little, I used to call peatycocks " caca's". Now I just call peatycocks "peatycocks" not caca's.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

25 Random Things About My Third Born

1. She has auburn hair just like her Grandmas Howard and MacWilliams.

2. Her eyes are the color of the world from space. I don't know how that happened.
3. She speaks Chinese. I don't know how that happened either. 
4. She loves babies. She tries to mother every baby she sees. I wonder if anyone has ever told her that she is a baby too.
5. She is sooooo kissie. She loves to give kisses.
6. She tries to read books. She will look at a book and start speaking Chinese.
7. Her other language is Doodlantian. Every other word sounds like "doodle".
8. Her full name is Abigail Joy Carpenter.
9. Her name means: God is Joy...Joy
10. She loves her bubba and sissy.
11. Everytime David gets home she starts running for the door and yelling Dada!
12. She was my easiest labor.
13. She came 2 weeks early. 
14. I still can't believe I got two girls.
15.  She is very loud. Holy Cow!!! She can really yell!  She is going to sing. I just know it.
16.She loves going to bed. When it is time for her to go to bed, she dives for it.
17. She does not like the word"no". She is crying because I just told her no.
18. She points at things she is not aloud to have and says "Noooonoooonooo".
19. She is my littlest child. 
20. She can eat her weight.
21. She has an adorable laugh.
22. She is tryying to push the keys on the keyboard as we speak.
23. She has a stinky diaper!
24. She loves her Choncho(Landon).
25. She is crying and throwing a fit so I am going to stop now. She is a huge blessing!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

25 Random Things About My Second Born

1. She is super fun to be around!
2. She is almost always positive.
3. She loooves to being fancy. 
4. She likes to accessorize. As of right now, she is wearing 2 necklaces and 2 bracelets. That's just what I am able to see.
5. She never says a bad word about anyone.
6. She loves everybody. Even the people who are not easy to love.
7.Right now she is singing a song about remembering the Sabbath Day and keeping it holy.
8. Her giggle is infectious.
9.She wants a blue room.
10.She loves to talk about God. A lot!
11. She teaches me something new everyday.
12. She washes her hands a lot. Like it is a little OCD.
13. Her hands always smell like soap.
14.She loves to learn and will learn from anyone who wants to teach her something.
15. She is growing her hair out for Locks of Love.
16. She has a strong backbone. She will stand up for what she thinks is right and strongly rejects that which she thinks is wrong.
17. She does not like Bratz dolls and will tell you so vehemently.
18. She is soooo silly. 
19. She has a messy room most of the time but I learned a couple of weeks ago that she can organize very well. I mean do you know how frustrated I was. She cleaned her horrible room in 20 minutes perfectly. Stinker!
20. She loves all of us so much and is always giving "hugs and kissies" . 
21. She bites her nails. I have promised her that we will go for a real manicure if she stops and she just doesn't. 
22. She gave Noah his nickname Nowy. Sorry don't know how to spell it.
23.She has an amazing imagination.
24. She plays by herself all the time and can do it for hours. She loves to draw and write.
25. She loves having special time with David and I. We love being with her too.

25 Random Things About My First Born

1. His full name is Samuel David Carpenter
2. His dad named him.
3. He cannot stand mushrooms. 
4. His is very cuddly with me. 
5. His eyes are the most beautiful blue.
6. He loves activities and does not like many toys. 
7. He broke his right arm last year. That was fun.
8. He is not to fond of school but he is really smart. 
9. He loves babies!!!!
1o. He is playing his Wii right now.
11. He is also very scared of this one girl that he boxes in Wii sports. Apparently, she is very good.
12. He can sing but doen not like to right now. Just like his Uncle Ryan.
13. He is very protective of those that he loves.
14. He loves very, very, very, deeply.
15. Does not say anything that he does not mean. Unless he is joking.
16.  He is getting very funny. Like his dad.
17.  He loves to hunt and fish and camp.
18. Shot his first deer with a bow this year.
19. He does not like too much attention. He'll start making this face if you start pointing out something about him.
20. He wants to be an airforce pilot when he grows up. Boohoo! I'll support him whatever he does. 
21. His favorite movie is Transformers.
22. Him and the boxing girl just tied. He is not happy about that. 
23. When he thinks he looks up to his left.
24. He is a good looking little boy. i am in so much trouble. 
25. He would do anything for Carlye or Grace. Actually all of the tight cirlce of friends that he has had since he was born. He loves them and would walk through fire for them.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pictures of the Day: Squirmy 14 Month Old

O.k. so these are not my best but I am convinced that I would have to move at the speed of light to take pics of the little busy bee that is Abigail. It was actually funny and there was no frustration involved. Just a lot of running. Any of you feel the same? I guess it's her job to explore and learn about this awesome world that the Lord created for her. I would just like one pic without her screaming. 
I remember when Carlye, Grace and Lili were little it was as if the camera was made to photograph them. The instant a camera was displayed they would start posing. Abigail does not care and really would rather there not be any cameras. That way there would be no interruption to her exploring. But I, as her mommy, feel that I just have to capture that little pudgy face. It's my job.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Picture of the Day: Newest Member of the Family

I just wanted to introduce you guys to the newest member of our family. His name is Christian and hopefully, he will be around for a long time. David's cousin Rob and his wife, Shanon, are in the the process of fostering and hoping to go through adoption. He just turned 1 in January so he and Abigail are very close in age. We are excited for them. They tried for 6 years for their first child and another 5 years then they both decided that adoption was the only option at this point. The amazing thing is that Rob is a circuit court judge so he sees the horrible things that these children, in the foster system , have gone through and he was still more than willing to bring this precious baby boy into their home. Rob and Shanon have a lot of love and I hope you will pray with me that Christian will be able to " stay with them forever" like Rob said.  Anyway, welcome to the family sweet boy. 

Monday, February 2, 2009

Please Pray

David and I are praying about several things right now and really need your prayers. We are in the middle of making some really big decisions. Please pray that we will have favor first of all. in each situation and then that whatever we do is exactly what God wants us to do. I know that you all will do this. Thanks.