1. His full name is Samuel David Carpenter
2. His dad named him.
3. He cannot stand mushrooms.
4. His is very cuddly with me.
5. His eyes are the most beautiful blue.
6. He loves activities and does not like many toys.
7. He broke his right arm last year. That was fun.
8. He is not to fond of school but he is really smart.
9. He loves babies!!!!
1o. He is playing his Wii right now.
11. He is also very scared of this one girl that he boxes in Wii sports. Apparently, she is very good.
12. He can sing but doen not like to right now. Just like his Uncle Ryan.
13. He is very protective of those that he loves.
14. He loves very, very, very, deeply.
15. Does not say anything that he does not mean. Unless he is joking.
16. He is getting very funny. Like his dad.
17. He loves to hunt and fish and camp.
18. Shot his first deer with a bow this year.
19. He does not like too much attention. He'll start making this face if you start pointing out something about him.
20. He wants to be an airforce pilot when he grows up. Boohoo! I'll support him whatever he does.
21. His favorite movie is Transformers.
22. Him and the boxing girl just tied. He is not happy about that.
23. When he thinks he looks up to his left.
24. He is a good looking little boy. i am in so much trouble.
25. He would do anything for Carlye or Grace. Actually all of the tight cirlce of friends that he has had since he was born. He loves them and would walk through fire for them.