Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas #1
We had a great time Christmas #1. My brother and his family accompanied us  to the Gaylord Texan Resort in Fort Worth to see  Shrek Ice. It's this amazing display of all the Shrek characters carved completely out of ice! The kids loved it. It was freezing in there though. Definitely something to do once. I thought that we had dressed to warmly for this thing then they handed us this enormous blue parka. Thank heavens for the long, warm, blue glory because we almost froze our behinds right off! We started calling the Doodle bug our little Blueberry because she was so small in her huge blue parka.  
The other attraction that we got to have fun on was Kung Fu Panda Snow Tubing! Don't have any pics because I was so busy snow tubing with the kids. It was a great time and I was blessed that we were able to do it. Very long lines though. 
Later that night we went to my grandparents and had Christmas with my mom's side of the family. It's always a kick to be around them. You never know what you are going to get at Christmas with my gparents. We will unwrap a cereal box and in side will be a pair of jeans. You just never know. I got a raisin box that had a piece of coal inside! I thought I had been so good this year. I guess I haven't gone up there to see them enough. Note to self...go see Mema and Dandy more this year so I don't get a piece of coal for Christmas! 
I really did get a piece of coal but that was not all I got. More tomorrow or whenever I get a chance to continue;)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What's up?

I do not know what is going on with me but for the past two days I have felt like crying. I don't mean just shedding a tear but just letting go and bawling my eyes out! And no ladies and gentlemen it is not the "that time" for me to get emotional. I don't know if it is the season that is overwhelming me or a little bit of grief from that follows me. It could be change or isolation. As I mentioned yesterday, you get a little isolated when you have younger kids. I am also not really a big people person. Yet, I am making myself get out there and be with other humans. Maybe I will just give myself over to this feeling. Getting it out might be the best thing to do. Who knows. Oh well...just had to put this out there. Hope you feel better than I do:)

Monday, December 5, 2011


There are very few things that stay the same in our lives. We get older, children grow up, time passes. And with that, people change and so the world around you changes. One thing that has stayed the same is God. He has proven Himself over and over to be there. Just "There". That is a big word when you feel alone and isolated either by motherhood or other struggles you might find yourself walking through. It's Christmas time right now. For most of us it is a wonderful, joyous time of year but for some it is the most alone time of year that a person can experience.
God is also merciful putting people in your lives that no matter how much time passes they are there. Thank You ,God, for the tangible reminder that You are alive in the hearts of others. That You are able to reach us through the warm hug of my sweet husband to the call from a friend. Be sure to look for that reminder that you are not alone. I hope you do not have to look hard. Blessings!