Has it really been 5 months since i last blogged? Holy Hannah!!! All I can say is that my life has revolved around my precious little family and taking my little mama to the doctor and keeping my house clean. There have been other things but my mind is too garbled to recall all of that now. It's like post traumatic stress forgetfulness. Is that a real thing? Don't think so.
I think what is so hard is the more I see the young people he is in school with, the more I realize how parents are rushing their children into adulthood instead of encouraging them to stay children for as long as they can. What is so bad about sheltering your child from the world? The world will meet your child soon enough. So, for as long as I can, I am going to let him hold on to childhood. It will be gone before I know it.
We dive into summer...footloose and fancy free!